Saturday, March 15, 2008

Green Products For Green Living

Green Products For Green House Cleaning- Open a window and let those pollutants out! Yet even in this season, when a vase of nice smelling flowers can fill a room with a lovely natural scent, many consumers stubbornly keep using synthetic room fresheners and fragranced cleaning products that are full of VOCs and other toxic chemicals. These can make our indoor air unhealthy, provoke skin, eye, and respiratory reactions, and harm the natural environment.

People think that if a freshener smells clean that it is okay. But, think again...... According to a study published in New Scientist in 1999, in homes where aerosol sprays and air fresheners were used frequently, mothers experienced 25 percent more headaches and were 19 percent more likely to suffer from depression, and infants under six months of age had 30 percent more ear infections and 22 percent higher incidence of diarrhea.

In choosing alternatives, however, consumers need to be alert to greenwashing. "Just because a product says it's natural doesn't mean it's nontoxic. It is important to make sure your products are non toxic cleaners.

As a consumer you might consider paying to offset the amount of CO2 in your day-to-day living produces as a way to erase—or at least clean up—your environmental slate.

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