Friday, February 29, 2008

Calling All Moms!

Calling All Moms!

I am so excited about moms beginning to join me around the world! I am not asking mom's to go crazy Green. If you can just begin to do one thing in your life to make your home healthier and the world, you are making a huge impact for future generations. We are all learning ways we can live our lives better.....And, this is my Call For Action!

Just this month, great moms have joined me by making small changes in our lives. We have choices so why not choose a green alternative product when you are out shopping!

Here is a list of great mom's that have joined me! And, no they are not out climbing Trees.....They are Moms, fun, sexy, sweet, nice, healthy, Educators, Social Networkers, Celebrities, etc! But, They all have one thing in common, They are Moms making a difference in this world!

Marie---Social Local Celebrity in every social magazine around town in Memphis, Tn. She is a mover and a shaker!
Ari-Yes, She is a Movie Star Mom from Hollywood, California. She is also Yoga crazy!
Cindy-Totally Organized-She is amazing and can organize your home!
Wendy-Socially connected in Los Angeles and knows everyone!
Fumi-Always buys Organic and concerned about the environment
Sharon-Mother of 3. She is a hard one to describe because she is my sister! She is also planning her daughter's wedding. Maybe Green?? Sharon loves to cook and related to Celebrity TV Food Network Chef Paula Deen!
Felicia-Wow! She has 5 boys and loves Florida!
Stacy-Really, The nicest mom you will ever meet!
Hillary-Teacher, Educator and her school is teaching classes to the children to Go Green!
Katarina-Living her life in the OC and from Sweden!
Debbie-Teacher, Writer and designer for Baby Layette Collection!
Judy-Retired Pilot, Grandmother and formerly owned the largest privately owned flight training academy in the world. And, She is my Mom!

Well, now you have a few in our networking group, and if you want to start making a difference, join my mission today! So, I can write about you!!! We are having fun and having awesome going green parties! Just let me know if you would like to join any of the other mom's through my network group and I will e-mail you their websites so you can join us! Or, you can join under me today and start educating others about Real Facts with Toxins In The Home!!

And, Here are some Real Facts:

1. 17,000: the number of petrochemicals available for home use, only 30% of which have been tested for exposure to human health and the environment.
2. 63: the number of synthetic chemical products found in the average American home, translating to roughly 10 gallons of harmful chemicals.
3. 100: the number of times higher that indoor air pollution levels can be above outdoor air pollution levels, according to US EPA estimates.
4. 275: the number of active ingredients in antimicrobials that the EPA classifies as pesticides because they are designed to kill microbes.
5. 5 billion: the number of pounds of chemicals that the institutional cleaning industry uses each year.
6. 23: the average gallons in chemicals (87 liters) that a janitor uses each year, 25% of which are hazardous.

Have Fun! Educate and Make A Difference!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Welcome Eco Moms!

Hello and Welcome!

This is my Call To Action Blog for Moms, future moms, grandmothers, etc! We all can make a difference in making our world Healthier! I am calling all of you to join me in my efforts to help families live better and have less toxins in our Home! Over 60% of chemicals can be penetrated into your bloodstream. So, it's important to join my mission of creating healthier lives. We will discuss healthy homes, healthy children, Cool Designs and Fashion! We have all types of mom joining us from Movie Star Moms to Executive Moms, But at the end of the day, they are all MOMs. And, every now and then, I will dish a little about each mom!

I became involved with with a all natural product company after my 6 year old daughter successfully completed a 3 year leukemia protocol. Today, she is cancer free and living a healthy life. Therefore, I wanted to educate and help people to know more about the benefits of natural nutritional products; including non toxic cleaners for home. I feel that the complete line of Shaklee products are the best on the market due to the extensive research and patented technology of products. You certainly won't find anything comparable to Shaklee products in the stores when it come to quality and safety.  The Get Clean Line is safe for your home and family.  I love Get Clean Because it is non-toxic, safe and biodegradable.

The Company has been in business since 1956 producing the finest nutritional products, personal care products, and non toxic cleaning products available. In fact, not once in the history of the company's 50+ years of offering hundreds of different products to consumers, has Shaklee had a product re-call due to unsafe ingredients, and that's amazing!

This company offers several different lines of great products and all products are designed to be in harmony with nature and good health.

I think it's important to make changes to have a healthier life and choose good green products. And, no, I am not perfect! Everyday I am still learning about ways to go green and would love your tips as well. So, join my mission and Go Green with Me! We can all make a difference!!!
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