Saturday, March 15, 2008

As Seen In InStyle Magazine-Eco Green Products

Non-Toxic Products have super power clean and featured in the March issue of InStyle Magazine. All-Purpose Cleaners: Many popular household cleaning solutions, like Fantastik and Formula 409, contain a synthetic solvent and grease cutter called butyl cellosolve. This hazardous petroleum-based chemical can irritate your skin and eyes, and repeated exposure to it can cause permanent liver and kidney damage, and impair the body's ability to replenish its blood supply.

A safer alternative: superconcentrated Basic Household Cleaner can clean your counters, kitchen table, greasy stovetop, and more. Just 1/4 teaspoon of Basic Household in 16 ounces of water cleans most surfaces. As a degreaser, use 1 1/2 teaspoons. To clean windows, just 1 or 2 drops. As an eco-conscious mom, it's important to make sure that all the products you choose are safe for your body and for the environment. Soaps, cosmetics, and lotions are designed to be worn on the body, so you may think that they're carefully tested to make sure that they're safe.
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