Friday, March 7, 2008

Why Go Green?

Why Go Green?

According to "We were impressed enough to base our business on organic cotton when we came to understand the firm conviction of the organic farmer, which is:

Soil is an entire ecosystem of it's own, filled with diverse living organisms that work in a harmonious cooperative that allows crops to grow. It is not dry, dead dirt that must be sprayed with toxic petroleum derived chemicals in order to be forced to produce commodities for sale and consumption with no thought for the lasting destruction left behind.

In the early 1990's this way of thought was sweeping through the cotton fields of California and the high plains of Texas. Third and forth generation farmers, whose families depended on the crop for their livelihood, were converting back to organic, to the methods their grandfathers and great grandfathers used, because of a deep love of the land and a belief that it was their responsibility to future generations.

This is the noble, natural start for the organic fibers that wind up on our babies backs!

Where does it come from?

Who made it?

Who touched it?

Under what conditions?

What will happen to it when I'm done?

Big ad agencies get paid a lot of money to help us FORGET to ask these questions!

BUT IT IS IMPORTANT! How you feel about things! Your values and beliefs! Where your money goes, what happens to the planet! The quality of things, the intention behind the invention! What your baby uses and smells and touches!

These are some of the things we've learned about organic cotton and why we feel it's an important choice:

More energy is now used to produce synthetic fertilizers than to till, cultivate and harvest all the crops in the U.S.

Conventional cotton occupies only 3% of the world's farmland, but uses 25% of the world's chemical pesticides and fertilizers.

In the U.S. alone, it's estimated that 800 million pounds of pesticides will be used on cotton this year!

Some of the chemical used on conventional cotton include the infamous defoliant Paraquat and insecticides like Parathion which is 60 times more toxic that DDT!

With organic farming, crops are rotated to protect the soil and farmers use compost and naturally derived mineral and plant products for fertilizer.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Eco Fashion Designer-Saving Our Water

Water, like air, is essential to sustain life and maintain basic human dignity
Did you know:
In 2004 worldwide, 2.2 million deaths were attributed to unsafe water – nine out of ten of these deaths were children under the age of five.
One of the largest public health issues of our time is lack of clean water.

Purchase these Linda Loudermilk Water is a Human Right limited edition products and wear your conviction in style! Additionally, if you wish to participate or donate directly to Mikhail Gorbachev’s Green Cross International Global Campaign for the Right to Water, go to www.greencrossinternational.nett and click on “Programs” for the Water Campaign. If you would like to buy a necklace to contribute to ind Loudermilk's mission to clean water visit her site,

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Organic Fashion-Sustainable Style Ma Ke is a global inspiration for style and sustainable fashion. Ma Ke proves that anyone can look eco fabulous! The nonprofit Sustainable Technology Education Project (STEP) defines eco-fashions as clothes “that take into account the environment, the health of consumers and the working conditions of people in the fashion industry.”

Monday, March 3, 2008

House Of Organics

Yes! This is an official online Eco Fashion Show. This helps the environment to feature fashions online!
The House from Sweden features the best of ’sustainable style. This is hands-on application of sustainability principles and organic processes. Johanna Hofring, the founder of Ekovaruhuset (which translates to ‘House of Organic’ in Swedish), assembled a first-rate line up of eclectic designers who are also featured at her artisanal eco-boutiques in NYC and Stockholm. Ekovaruhuset’s one-of-a-kind, handmade eco-creations hang together as a collective that redefines the appeal, creativity and luxury of organic design.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Welcome To Eco Fashion Week!

Yes! This is my official online Eco Mom Fashion Week. This week I will talk about Earth Friendly Fashions for Kids and Moms! And, No just because we are beginning to go Eco you don't have to dress in a Re-cycled Bag! You Can look Fashionably Eco!

So, Welcome To My Eco Fashion Week for Moms and Kids!

Emeril Goes Green

I am thrilled to hear Emeril Lagasse is coming out with a Green Food Show. Emeril was special to my daughter while she was undergoing chemotheraphy at St.Jude. She was 3 years old and loved Emeril Her wish was to see and meet Emeril through Make A Wish Foundation.

“Emeril Green will be shot entirely on location in Whole Foods Market stores around the country. “I try a little harder every day to think greener and be respectful of our environment and our resources,” Lagasse said.”

Ecorazzi says, "Regardless of how you feel about Emeril, it’s about time we had more cooking shows focused directly on some cool, green meals." And, I must agree. I wonder whether he’ll go all out with only vegetarian dishes or go more general to appeal to the masses? I’ll also be curious to see whether the methods of cooking green will be discussed — from energy-efficient appliances to alternatives like solar ovens.

Get that tofu steaming and your apron ready! Emeril Green will debut this July.

Also, Don't forget Dishes For Wishes to benefit Make A Wish Foundation.

Dishes for Wishes
April 27, 2008
Felicia Suzanne's Restaurant
Downtown Memphis

New Fashion Designer Spotlight

Fashion designer maRia aRistidou Mia is a fashion designer and consultant for evening wear and I am sure she could probably make you something that is Eco Friendly and fashionably beautiful for evening. Ah......It is so nice to chat about fashion. THINK GREEN! And, each of you can make a difference in this world!

Eco Fashions

This week I am in the mood to talk about Eco Fashions since I am a graduate of the Fashion Institute Of Technology In New York City! So, Please send me your eco tips for fashions! Hope to hear from my fashion model friends and designers this week!

Eco Design

Bathtubs are places for relaxation, and here’s a new interpretation- turn your tub into a sofa! This clever design by Max McMurdo breathes life into an antique fixture, and turns what was headed for landfill into a smart, provocative, and comfy conversation starter. Founded by UK product designer Max McMurdo, Reestore is a line of green products based on the recycling of old home products. Taking everyday waste objects and turning them into charming yet functional pieces of furniture and accessories, Reestore attempts to “avoid traditional eco materials in favor of contemporary finishes, fabrics, and, above all, style.”
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